How my adventure began
About Me
Hi, I’m Dr. Kimberly Leetch, and I’m glad you’re here! I have spent decades actualizing self-awareness, nurturing inner gifts, and cultivating resilience. I have journeyed through many struggles in pursuit of happiness, and have ended up instead finding joy—a deeply rooted joy that surpasses the fleeting feeling of happiness, and sustains hope in challenging times. I can help you discover within yourself tools for overcoming obstacles and nurturing joy in your own life.
About My Family
I have four amazing children. My eldest three are incredible young adults conquering their corners of the world in their own ways. My youngest is in elementary school. After bringing him home from the hospital as a foster child, I adopted him when he turned 2. He has a number of disabilities that I regularly forget about because he’s so very capable.
About My Work
I have been writing, speaking, and preaching nationwide for several years. Currently I am in the certification process for spiritual and life coaching from Life Purpose Institute, specializing in self-care, transitions, and spirituality. I am available for speaking events, and you can learn more about me on my socials.
Before embarking on this journey, I founded and sold Clergy Stuff, a publishing company that produces worship and educational resources for mainline Protestant churches worldwide.
Prior to that entrepreneurial endeavor, I served as a pastor in the ELCA for two congregations in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area of Minnesota. During that time I earned a D.Min. in Biblical Preaching through Luther Seminary.
About Struggles
I have struggled with alcohol addiction, and have been sober for over 10 years, with gratitude to Hazelden, River Ridge, and AA. Every day on this side of active addiction is a blessing.
I also have struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety, but have been free of major depressive episodes for several years. I have a tic disorder, for which I have many funny stories of tics gone wildly wrong.
All of my children wrestle with significant medical issues including MS and T1D (Juvenile Diabetes). We walked in JDRF’s One Walk for many years.
My youngest has cerebral palsy, visual impairment, hydrocephalus, developmental delays, and is tube-fed. He doesn’t seem to know he’s challenged and wakes up every single day laughing, singing, and chatting.
Despite all our family’s struggles, we remain compassionate, loving, and grateful.